3 Morning Rituals that will Start Your Day Right

We all have morning rituals, even if we’re not fully aware that they are morning rituals. Maybe you brush your teeth the minute you get up. Maybe you always open the blinds a part way up to let in a hint of sun.
Morning rituals are like habits, so why not have some morning rituals that will do you some good.
Try these 3 morning rituals to start your day right. They shouldn’t take longer than 15 minutes altogether (although you may want to make more time for #2.)
Make Your Bed
Unless someone is still sleeping in it, making your bed will take less than a couple of minutes. A made bed makes your room look tidier, less cluttered, and gives you a sense of accomplishment. Think about how great it will feel at the end of a tiring day being able to go to sleep in a nicely made bed.
Meditate with Incense
After you make your bed, take a few minutes (or longer) to meditate even if you’re time pressed because you’ll feel centred and ready to face the day afterwards.
Set up your space so it’s easy to get into the habit of meditating. A silk or wool seat keeps the meditative energy and lighting an incense stick, like Gateway Incense, helps you focus and open the way for you to sit with your inner self. Close your eyelids, focus your attention on the tip of your nose and delve deep within to rest in your inner self.
Drink Lemon Water
A warm glass of lemon water before breakfast will rehydrate you and wake you up. While you’re sipping your lemon water, light a Lemongrass Incense Stickto stimulate your body and mind for the day to come, then nourish yourself with a healthy breakfast and a smile.